Reading the “B2BPricingSample” Code (B2B Commerce Cloud LEX Version Integration Series Part 2)

By | February 22, 2021


Following “B2BCheckInventorySample”, we would like to check the outline of the processing of the “B2BPricingSample” Apex Class

Outline of the process

The process of “B2BPricingSample” Apex Class consists of the following three major parts.

1. Query and get the customer ID.

2. Obtain cart item information and store SKU and selling price information in MAP respectively.

3. POST an HTTP request containing the SKU and customer ID information to the external system, and obtain the price information for each SKU as a response.

4. Compare the sales price in Salesforce with the price information received from the external system, and perform any processing if they differ.

Actual Code

// This sample is for the situation when the pricing is validated in an external service. For Salesforce internal price validation please see the corresponding documentation.

// This must implement the sfdc_checkout.CartPriceCalculations interface
// in order to be processed by the checkout flow and used for your Price Calculations integration.
global with sharing class B2BPricingSample implements sfdc_checkout.CartPriceCalculations {
    global sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus startCartProcessAsync(sfdc_checkout.IntegrationInfo jobInfo, Id cartId) {
        sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integStatus = new sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus();
        try {
            // To retrieve sale prices for a customer, get the cart owner's ID and pass it to the external service.
            // In the real-life scenario, the ID will probably be an external ID
            // that identifies the customer in the external system,
            // but for simplicity we are using the Salesforce ID in this sample.
            Id customerId = [SELECT OwnerId FROM WebCart WHERE id = :cartId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED][0].OwnerId;
            // Get all SKUs and their sale prices (customer-specific prices) from the cart items.
            Map<String, Decimal> salesPricesFromSalesforce = new Map<String, Decimal>();
            for (CartItem cartItem : [SELECT Sku, SalesPrice FROM CartItem WHERE CartId = :cartId AND Type = 'Product' WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED]) {
                if (String.isBlank(cartItem.Sku)) {
                    String errorMessage = 'The SKUs for all products in your cart must be defined.';
                    return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
                salesPricesFromSalesforce.put(cartItem.Sku, cartItem.SalesPrice);
            // Get all sale prices for the products in the cart (cart items) from an external service
            // for the customer who owns the cart.
            Map<String, Object> salesPricesFromExternalService = getSalesPricesFromExternalService(salesPricesFromSalesforce.keySet(), Id.valueOf(customerId));            
            // For each cart item SKU, check that the price from the external service
            // is the same as the sale price in the cart.
            // If that is not true, set the integration status to "Failed".
            for (String sku : salesPricesFromSalesforce.keySet()) {
                Decimal salesPriceFromSalesforce = salesPricesFromSalesforce.get(sku);
                Decimal salesPriceFromExternalService = (Decimal)salesPricesFromExternalService.get(sku);
                if (salesPriceFromExternalService == null){
                   String errorMessage = 'The product with sku ' + sku + ' could not be found in the external system';
                   return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
                else if (salesPriceFromExternalService != salesPriceFromSalesforce){
                   // Add your logic here for when the price from your external service
                   // does not match what we have in Salesforce.
                   // For example, you may want to cause your pricing integration to fail.
                   // EXAMPLE: integStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.FAILED;
                   // Our Heroku external service is a test service and returns a sale price of 0.00 for any SKU except 'SKU_FOR_TEST'.
                   // If the SKU of the product is 'SKU_FOR_TEST', the price returned by the external service is 100.
                   // For testing purposes, we set the integration status to SUCCESS if salesPriceFromExternalService is 0.00,
                   // regardless of the value of the Salesforce price 
                   if (salesPriceFromExternalService == 0.00){
                       integStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.SUCCESS;
                   else {
                       String errorMessage = 'The sale price has changed for the product with sku ' + sku + ': was ' 
                               + salesPriceFromSalesforce + ', but now is '
                               + salesPriceFromExternalService + '.';
                       return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
                   // ----- End of the section that is only for testing.                   
                else {
                    // If the prices in the external system are the same as the prices in Salesforce, set integration status as SUCCESS.
                    integStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.SUCCESS;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            // For testing purposes, this example treats exceptions as user errors, which means they are displayed to the buyer user.
            // In production you probably want this to be an admin-type error. In that case, throw the exception here
            // and make sure that a notification system is in place to let the admin know that the error occurred.
            // See the readme section about error handling for details about how to create that notification.
            return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
                'An exception of type ' + e.getTypeName() + ' has occurred: ' + e.getMessage(),
        return integStatus;
    private Map<String, Object> getSalesPricesFromExternalService (Set<String> skus, String customerId) {
        Http http = new Http();
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        Integer SuccessfulHttpRequest = 200;

        // Encode the product SKUs to avoid any invalid characters in the request URL.
        Set<String> encodedSkus = new Set<String>();
        for (String sku : skus) {
            encodedSkus.add(EncodingUtil.urlEncode(sku, 'UTF-8'));

        // To access the service below you may need to add endpoint = in Setup | Security | Remote site settings.
                            + customerId + '&skus=' + JSON.serialize(encodedSkus));
        HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
        // If the request is successful, parse the JSON response.
        // The response includes the sale price for each SKU and looks something like this:
        // {"SKU-25-10028":0.00, "SKU-25-10030":0.00, "SKU_FOR_TEST":100.00}
        // Because this is a sample only and we want this integration to return success in order to allow the checkout to pass,
        // the external service created for this sample returns the exact list of SKUs it receives,
        // and the same sale price 0.00 for each SKU.
        if (response.getStatusCode() == SuccessfulHttpRequest) {
            Map<String, Object> salesPricesFromExternalService = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
            return salesPricesFromExternalService;
        else {
            throw new CalloutException ('There was a problem with the request. Error: ' + response.getStatusCode());
    private sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
        sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integrationStatus, String errorMessage, sfdc_checkout.IntegrationInfo jobInfo, Id cartId) {
            integrationStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.FAILED;
            // In order for the error to be propagated to the user, we need to add a new CartValidationOutput record.
            // The following fields must be populated:
            // BackgroundOperationId: Foreign Key to the BackgroundOperation
            // CartId: Foreign key to the WebCart that this validation line is for
            // Level (required): One of the following - Info, Error or Warning
            // Message (optional): Message to be shown to the user
            // Name (required): The name of this CartValidationOutput record. For example CartId:BackgroundOperationId
            // RelatedEntityId (required): Foreign key to WebCart, CartItem, CartDeliveryGroup
            // Type (required): One of the following - SystemError, Inventory, Taxes, Pricing, Shipping, Entitlement, Other
            CartValidationOutput cartValidationError = new CartValidationOutput(
                BackgroundOperationId = jobInfo.jobId,
                CartId = cartId,
                Level = 'Error',
                Message = errorMessage.left(255),
                Name = (String)cartId + ':' + jobInfo.jobId,
                RelatedEntityId = cartId,
                Type = 'Pricing'
            return integrationStatus;
