Following “B2BPricingSample”, we would like to check the outline of the processing of the “B2BDeliverySample” Apex Class
Outline of the process
The process of “B2BDeliverySample” Apex Class consists of the following three major parts.
1. Query and get the CartDeliveryGroupId.
2. Call an external system via API to get the delivery information.
3. Delete all CartDeliveryGroupMethod records associated with the obtained CartDeliveryGroupId.
4. Check if a product record with default shipping cost exists, if so, return the record ID, if not, INSERT the product record with shipping cost and return its record ID.
5. Check to see if a default OrderDeliveryMethod already exists for each delivery method obtained from external systems.(※The criterion for determining if the record is a default “Order Delivery Method” record is whether the name is “Order Delivery Method1” or not.)If true, it returns the IDs of existing OrderDeliveryMethod records; if false, it creates new OrderDeliveryMethod records and returns their IDs.
6. Looping through each OrderDeliveryMethod, Create CartDeliveryGroupMethod records based on the information obtained from the external system.
This whole processes can be said to have two meanings.
- Acquisition of possible delivery methods (= inserting “CartDeliveryGroupMethod” records)
- Calculation of the delivery cost (= calculation of the value of the “shipmentCost” field)
Sample response for delivery information↓
[{"status": "calculated",
"rate":{"name": "Delivery Method 1",
"serviceName": "Test Carrier 1",
"serviceCode": "SNC9600",
"shipmentCost":11.99 ,
{"status": "calculated",
"rate":{"name": "Delivery Method 2",
"serviceName": "Test Carrier 2",
"serviceCode": "SNC9600",
" shipmentCost":15.99,
Actual Code
// This must implement the sfdc_checkout.CartShippingCharges interface
// in order to be processed by the checkout flow for the "Shipping" integration
global with sharing class B2BDeliverySample implements sfdc_checkout.CartShippingCharges {
global sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus startCartProcessAsync(sfdc_checkout.IntegrationInfo jobInfo, Id cartId) {
sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integStatus = new sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus();
try {
// We need to get the ID of the cart delivery group in order to create the order delivery groups.
Id cartDeliveryGroupId = [SELECT Id FROM CartDeliveryGroup WHERE CartId = :cartId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED][0].Id;
// Get shipping options, including aspects like rates and carriers, from the external service.
ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService[] shippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService = getShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService();
// On re-entry of the checkout flow delete all previous CartDeliveryGroupMethods for the given cartDeliveryGroupId
delete [SELECT Id FROM CartDeliveryGroupMethod WHERE CartDeliveryGroupId = :cartDeliveryGroupId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
// Create orderDeliveryMethods given your shipping options or fetch existing ones. 2 should be returned.
List<Id> orderDeliveryMethodIds = getOrderDeliveryMethods(shippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService);
// Create a CartDeliveryGroupMethod record for every shipping option returned from the external service
Integer i = 0;
for (Id orderDeliveryMethodId: orderDeliveryMethodIds) {
// If everything works well, the charge is added to the cart and our integration has been successfully completed.
integStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.SUCCESS;
// For testing purposes, this example treats exceptions as user errors, which means they are displayed to the buyer user.
// In production you probably want this to be an admin-type error. In that case, throw the exception here
// and make sure that a notification system is in place to let the admin know that the error occurred.
// See the readme section about error handling for details about how to create that notification.
} catch (DmlException de) {
// Catch any exceptions thrown when trying to insert the shipping charge to the CartItems
Integer numErrors = de.getNumDml();
String errorMessage = 'There were ' + numErrors + ' errors when trying to insert the charge in the CartItem: ';
for(Integer errorIdx = 0; errorIdx < numErrors; errorIdx++) {
errorMessage += 'Field Names = ' + de.getDmlFieldNames(errorIdx);
errorMessage += 'Message = ' + de.getDmlMessage(errorIdx);
errorMessage += ' , ';
return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
} catch(Exception e) {
return integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
'An exception of type ' + e.getTypeName() + ' has occurred: ' + e.getMessage(),
return integStatus;
private ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService[] getShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService () {
final Integer SuccessfulHttpRequest = 200;
ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService[] shippingOptions = new List<ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService>();
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
// To access the service below, you may need to add endpoint = in Setup | Security | Remote site settings.
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// If the request is successful, parse the JSON response.
// The response looks like this:
// [{"status":"calculated","rate":{"name":"Delivery Method 1","serviceName":"Test Carrier 1","serviceCode":"SNC9600","shipmentCost":11.99,"otherCost":5.99}},
// {"status":"calculated","rate":{"name":"Delivery Method 2","serviceName":"Test Carrier 2","serviceCode":"SNC9600","shipmentCost":15.99,"otherCost":6.99}}]
if (response.getStatusCode() == SuccessfulHttpRequest) {
List<Object> results = (List<Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
for (Object result: results) {
Map<String, Object> subresult = (Map<String, Object>) result;
Map<String, Object> providerAndRate = (Map<String, Object>) subresult.get('rate');
shippingOptions.add( new ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService(
(String) providerAndRate.get('name'),
(String) providerAndRate.get('serviceCode'),
(Decimal) providerAndRate.get('shipmentCost'),
(Decimal) providerAndRate.get('otherCost'),
(String) providerAndRate.get('serviceName')
return shippingOptions;
else {
throw new CalloutException ('There was a problem with the request. Error: ' + response.getStatusCode());
// Structure to store the shipping options retrieved from external service.
Class ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService {
private String name;
private String provider;
private Decimal rate;
private Decimal otherCost;
private String serviceName;
public ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService(String someName, String someProvider, Decimal someRate, Decimal someOtherCost, String someServiceName) {
name = someName;
provider = someProvider;
rate = someRate;
otherCost = someOtherCost;
serviceName = someServiceName;
public String getProvider() {
return provider;
public Decimal getRate() {
return rate;
public Decimal getOtherCost() {
return otherCost;
public String getServiceName() {
return serviceName;
public String getName() {
return name;
// Create a CartDeliveryGroupMethod record for every shipping option returned from the external service
private void populateCartDeliveryGroupMethodWithShippingOptions(ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService shippingOption,
Id cartDeliveryGroupId,
Id deliveryMethodId,
Id webCartId){
// When inserting a new CartDeliveryGroupMethod, the following fields have to be populated:
// CartDeliveryGroupId: Id of the delivery group of this shipping option
// DeliveryMethodId: Id of the delivery method for this shipping option
// ExternalProvider: Unique identifier of shipping provider
// Name: Name of the CartDeliveryGroupMethod record
// ShippingFee: The cost of shipping for the delivery group
// WebCartId: Id if the cart that the delivery group belongs to
CartDeliveryGroupMethod cartDeliveryGroupMethod = new CartDeliveryGroupMethod(
CartDeliveryGroupId = cartDeliveryGroupId,
DeliveryMethodId = deliveryMethodId,
ExternalProvider = shippingOption.getProvider(),
Name = shippingOption.getName(),
ShippingFee = shippingOption.getRate(),
WebCartId = webCartId
private sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integrationStatusFailedWithCartValidationOutputError(
sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus integrationStatus, String errorMessage, sfdc_checkout.IntegrationInfo jobInfo, Id cartId) {
integrationStatus.status = sfdc_checkout.IntegrationStatus.Status.FAILED;
// In order for the error to be propagated to the user, we need to add a new CartValidationOutput record.
// The following fields must be populated:
// BackgroundOperationId: Foreign Key to the BackgroundOperation
// CartId: Foreign key to the WebCart that this validation line is for
// Level (required): One of the following - Info, Error, or Warning
// Message (optional): Message displayed to the user
// Name (required): The name of this CartValidationOutput record. For example CartId:BackgroundOperationId
// RelatedEntityId (required): Foreign key to WebCart, CartItem, CartDeliveryGroup
// Type (required): One of the following - SystemError, Inventory, Taxes, Pricing, Shipping, Entitlement, Other
CartValidationOutput cartValidationError = new CartValidationOutput(
BackgroundOperationId = jobInfo.jobId,
CartId = cartId,
Level = 'Error',
Message = errorMessage.left(255),
Name = (String)cartId + ':' + jobInfo.jobId,
RelatedEntityId = cartId,
Type = 'Shipping'
return integrationStatus;
private Id getShippingChargeProduct2Id(Id orderDeliveryMethodId) {
// The Order Delivery Method should have a Product2 associated with it, because we added that in getDefaultOrderDeliveryMethod if it didn't exist.
List<OrderDeliveryMethod> orderDeliveryMethods = [SELECT ProductId FROM OrderDeliveryMethod WHERE Id = :orderDeliveryMethodId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
return orderDeliveryMethods[0].ProductId;
private List<Id> getOrderDeliveryMethods(List<ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService> shippingOptions) {
String defaultDeliveryMethodName = 'Order Delivery Method';
Id product2IdForThisDeliveryMethod = getDefaultShippingChargeProduct2Id();
// Check to see if a default OrderDeliveryMethod already exists.
// If it doesn't exist, create one.
List<Id> orderDeliveryMethodIds = new List<Id>();
List<OrderDeliveryMethod> orderDeliveryMethods = new List<OrderDeliveryMethod>();
Integer i = 1;
for (ShippingOptionsAndRatesFromExternalService shippingOption: shippingOptions) {
String shippingOptionNumber = String.valueOf(i);
String name = defaultDeliveryMethodName + shippingOptionNumber;
List<OrderDeliveryMethod> odms = [SELECT Id, ProductId, Carrier, ClassOfService FROM OrderDeliveryMethod WHERE Name = :name WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
// This is the case in which an Order Delivery method does not exist.
if (odms.isEmpty()) {
OrderDeliveryMethod defaultOrderDeliveryMethod = new OrderDeliveryMethod(
Name = name,
Carrier = shippingOption.serviceName,
isActive = true,
ProductId = product2IdForThisDeliveryMethod,
ClassOfService = shippingOption.provider
else {
// This is the case in which an Order Delivery method exists.
// If the OrderDeliveryMethod doesn't have a Product2 associated with it, assign one
// We can always pick the 0th orderDeliveryMethod since we queried based off the name.
OrderDeliveryMethod existingodm = odms[0];
// This is for reference implementation purposes only.
// This is the if statement that checks to make sure that there is a product carrier and class of service
// associated to the order delivery method.
if (existingodm.ProductId == null || existingodm.Carrier == null || existingodm.ClassOfService == null) {
existingodm.ProductId = product2IdForThisDeliveryMethod;
existingodm.Carrier = shippingOption.serviceName;
existingodm.ClassOfService = shippingOption.provider;
return orderDeliveryMethodIds;
private Id getDefaultShippingChargeProduct2Id() {
// In this example we will name the product representing shipping charges 'Shipping Charge for this delivery method'.
// Check to see if a Product2 with that name already exists.
// If it doesn't exist, create one.
String shippingChargeProduct2Name = 'Shipping Charge for this delivery method';
List<Product2> shippingChargeProducts = [SELECT Id FROM Product2 WHERE Name = :shippingChargeProduct2Name WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED];
if (shippingChargeProducts.isEmpty()) {
Product2 shippingChargeProduct = new Product2(
isActive = true,
Name = shippingChargeProduct2Name
return shippingChargeProduct.Id;
else {
return shippingChargeProducts[0].Id;